Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthdays To Youse

Paul and Angie,

I don't know why it gives me such great pleasure to have recently discovered that in the midst of the respective Hill and DeWerff celebrations (of which may there be many more), there are two other births being celebrated this evening, many miles away. Somewhere nestled within the cozy liberal beltway of our nation's capital, the Stephanopoulos family is toasting many years of health to a man whose boyish charm still beguiles us whenever ABC decides to give him face time... George Stephanopoulos.

And if Wikipedia is to be believed, in some conservative corner of Connecticut (there can't be too many of them) Glenn Beck is celebrating the thing he loves (dare I say it?) even more than his country: himself. If there are cameras there, then I'm sure the tears are flowing already, along with the well-wishes (though, being Mormon, that's probably all that's flowing at that party...if you know what I mean).

So, to Paul, Angie, George, and Glenn... Happy Birthday.

(As a gesture of goodwill, I was going to link to the Writer's Almanac for today, but the poem they feature is about death--as most good poems are, I suppose--so if you click on the link, don't say you weren't warned. Still, the poem ends well. So may we all.)